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Under the Same Sun - A site out to fight the cause of the Albinos

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Monday, April 27, 2009

The Plight of Albinos in Tanzania: What should be done?

I received this email today. I have reproduced it here in its entirety.
Dear Sir/Madam
Tanzania Knowledge Network (TAKNET) is hosting a discussion forum that discuses the The Plight of Albinos in Tanzania.
I am therefore writing to invite you to visit the forum at to contribute your ideas and experience on the issue and share information and knowledge from others.
At the end of discussion the moderators will come up with policy briefs that we believe will help to influence policies and practices. The forum is conducted both in English and Kiswahili.
Please circulate this email to who ever you think will find the forum useful. Bellow please find introduction to the discussion.

With kind regards,

For Topic moderators

The Plight of Albinos in Tanzania: What should be done?

Recently, albinism in Tanzania has gained a relative attention following the brutal killings of the albinos. Albinism is defined as a genetically inherited disorder resulting from lack of pigmentation in the hair, skin and eyes of those affected. It is a rare genetic condition occurring in both genders regardless of ethnicity. Tanzania is believed to host not more than 170,000 albinos (WHO 2008).

Since 2007, Tanzanians have witnessed a wave of albino killings with parts of their bodies being brutally chopped off. According to the records about 43 albinos have been brutally murdered or their body parts hacked off. This evil is driven by the belief that albinos’ body parts possess magical powers capable of bringing riches. This have eroded Tanzania's image as a sanctuary for the oppressed in the international community, a reputation earned during the liberation struggle in Southern Africa.

Although a number of measures at both international and national levels have been taken to address the problem, more killings are being witnessed. Internationally the International Police (Interpol) have been involved to manhunt the suspected human traffickers operating in other countries. Furthermore the works of renowned campaigners like the Canadian albino businessman Peter Ash (with the Under the Same Sun programme) have been initiated to fight the killings of albinos.

At the national level, these measures can be divided into political, institutional and legal whereby politically his excellence President Kikwete, nominated Member of Parliament, honorable Al-Shymaa Kwegir, (who is also albino) in an effort to raise awareness about the vice and to help demystify the myths about albinos. Institutionally, a number of institutions have been established to address human rights. Furthermore the legal measures have been implemented like the banning of witchdoctors’ operations; directives to the regional security committees to protect albinos; introduction of a secret ballot system for identifying those suspected of dealing in human body parts and provision of mobile phones to albinos to quickly pass on information to investigators.

This discussion topic is therefore intended to collect people’s ideas on what should be done to stop these killings. We therefore welcome you to this discussion focusing on the following giudelines:
The motive behind these killings (economical, political, social and cultural)
In your opinion what are the appropriate measures that can be taken to address the problem (what else should be done?)
The role of Tanzanians in ending this distortion of human rights
The role of international institutions in addressing this problem.

Mr. A.K. Hassan
Senior Information Officer
Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF)
P.O.Box 31226
Dar es Salaam
Tel:+255 -22-2760260 ext 100
Mobile:+255-754 263390
General Email:

ESRF is a leading Centre of Excellence in Social and Economic Policy Research and Capacity Building on Policy Analysis and Dialogue in Tanzania and the Region. It is stakeholder-driven and its Board of Trustees consists of representatives from Government, Private Sector, NGOs, Civil Society, Research Institutions and Universities.

Websites managed by ESRF:
http:// -you will get all you need to know about Tanzania. -If you need recent publications by government, universities, private sector, development partners, etc on Tanzania,

Kindly give your feedback after visiting the sites. Thank you.

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